The GrammarFlip writing portals make it incredibly easy for you, the teacher, to quickly assess student writing. Studies show that the students who are given immediate feedback on their writing show a significant increase in their retention of the lesson.
GrammarFlip’s 1-click “quick-buttons” allow you to provide your students immediate feedback with the click of a button:
• Looking Good – This button conveys to the student that he has an overall solid grasp of the lesson based on what he wrote. There’s a strong indication that the student is on the right track.
• Check Your Work – This button conveys to the student that he has mis-applied the concepts based on what he wrote. This student will need your follow-up assistance in applying these concepts to writing.
• Send Comments - Of course, sending detailed and specific comments to the students is an option as well!
You can determine how best the writing portals will fit your style of teaching in your classroom.