A Guide to Getting Started!
Create a Teacher Account
If you are not already a subscriber to GrammarFlip, be sure to create your free, 30-day trial account. This trial account will give you full access to all of GrammarFlip’s lessons and features.
Create Your Class Sections
1. From your Teacher Dashboard, click the “Add Class” button.
2. Give your class section a title.
3. Determine the number of students you’ll have in that particular class section. (Note: A standard teacher account comes with 150 student seats. If you will need more, please contact us!)
4. Take note of your class code; you’ll provide this code to your students.
Have Students Register Accounts
Registering students couldn’t be any simpler!
1. Send your students to the following url: https://app.grammarflip.com/register
2. Direct them to select “Student” from the drop-down menu.
3. Any students under the age of 13 (or any students who do not have an email address) should check the “Under 13?” box. Students under the age of 13 should not reveal any personally identifiable information. First names, last initials, and a non-identifying username are acceptable.
4. Provide your students the appropriate class code for their class section. Be sure to clarify any confusion between letters or numbers that may look similar (ie, the capital letter “O” and the numeral “0”).
5. Have them read through the privacy policy and terms of use and click “Be a Student.”
Determine Lessons to Cover
Determining the lessons to cover in your classroom will vary from teacher to teacher, from school to school, and from country to country. Engaging in a discussion with your department members as to which lessons should be covered at which grade levels would be a good starting point. Since GrammarFlip provides lessons ranging from the basic to the advanced, it will up to each teacher to determine which lessons are developmentally appropriate for his/her students.
Assign Diagnostic Assessment
Use GrammarFlip’s diagnostic assessment to determine the current learning levels of your students. Discovering any gaps in learning prior to the introduction of specific lessons will help you to identify students who need immediate remediation in that area. Closing those gaps efficiently will make for a smoother progression of learning for students.
It is not necessary to complete all Pre-Tests at the beginning of the school year. It may make the most sense to complete the various Pre-Tests just prior to introducing the connected lessons. Selecting which lessons for your students to work through first will primarily depend upon the grade level of students you are teaching.
Assign Video Lessons and Practice Exercises
1. The essence of video instruction allows students to learn at their own pace, so it is recommended that the video lessons be watched independently (either at home or at school with headphones) and not together as a class on a single television monitor. GrammarFlip’s video lessons are thorough, yet concise, and last an average of about 4 minutes.
Slideshow lessons are a condensed version of the video lessons and can provide a quick review of topics. Students may use these slideshows as a reference for topics they have already learned.
2. Once students have watched a video lesson and learned a topic, they should immediately proceed to the practice exercises to self-assess their understanding of the topic. Each set of practice exercises contains 10 questions. Teachers may elect to assign one set or multiple sets at a time.
Note: Practice exercises are not meant to be graded assessments but rather, a means for the teacher to understand the comprehension levels of the students.
Check Progress Reports
Once students have watched a video and completed a set of practice exercises, the teacher should check the progress reports. Progress reports are meant to provide the teacher a snapshot of which students are understanding the material and which students will need more assistance. Prior to beginning the writing activities, teachers should check the progress reports for the lesson assigned and they will know ahead of time which students will most likely need more assistance.
Assign Writing Activities
After the video lesson and practices exercises have been completed and after the teacher has reviewed the progress reports, the teacher should assign the writing application activities. Writing application activities give the students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and mastery of the lesson topic. Writing activities are meant to be fun and creative and as a way for the students to explore the various ways in which the topic at hand can be applied.
During class, the teacher should have the students begin the writing activity of the most recent lesson. Teachers should feel comfortable allowing students to share their writing pieces (or a portion of their writing pieces) with the class.
Respond via Writing Portals
As students digitally submit their writing pieces, the teacher can easily view all of the students’ writing on a single page in the Writing Portals feature from the teacher dashboard. As student writing is submitted, teachers should provide immediate 1-click feedback to convey whether or not the student has demonstrated an understanding of the lesson. Detailed feedback can be provided as well if the teacher desires.
Writing portals are meant to equip the teachers with a quick means of responding to student writing. Research indicates that students who are given immediate feedback on their writing show a significant increase in their retention of the lesson.
Follow up with Students
As needed, follow up with students individually to further pinpoint any issues in their learning.