You have the ability to reset any Pre-Test or Post-Evaluation a variety of ways:
2. Click on the name of the student within the lesson for which you'd like to reset a Pre-Test or Post-Test.
3. Click on the reset button of the desired assessment.
Resetting all Pre-Tests and/or all Post-Evaluations at the Class-Section Level:
1. From your "View Dashboard" tab, hover your cursor over the "reset" icons and click the icon according to which assessment (all Pre-Tests or all Post-Evaluations) you'd like to reset for the students in that class section.
Resetting all Pre-Tests and/or Post-Evaluations at the Individual-Student Level:
1. Click on the "Manage Students" tab and then click on the corresponding assessment (Pre-Test or Post-Evaluation) to reset all of the Pre-Tests or Post-Evaluations for that particular student.